Throughout long years of active work in the field of printing canvases, we have established our company NS Canvas as a brand that cares to provide the best quality to our customers fulfilling even their most delicate and demanding wishes, needs and requirements.

Always wanting to bring even higher value to our clients, we are always striving to think beforehand: “How to make our clients’ lives easier?”

During years of serving professional photographers, we discovered their struggle with low quality backdrops. With the potentials of our state of the art equipment on mind, we got an idea how to help them overcome their problem.

Shortly after, we turned our idea into a business and here we are: offering high quality backdrops printed by mixing nine colors. Something that hardly anybody offers on the market. By printing them in our own studio, we personally take care that everything is done impeccably correctly. As we don’t negotiate quality. That is the core principle of our business and we stand for it, no matter what.

Our nine colors backdrops are a true representation of our clients’ wishes, needs and requirements brought to life by the highest quality standards.